

How Low-Pressure Injection Molding with UV-Curable Resins Is Revolutionizing iPhone Manufacturing

Low-pressure injection molding (LPIM) has long been utilized in various industrial applications. This process involves injecting specialized materials into a mold at low pressures (1.5–40 bar), where it rapidly cures into shape within seconds to minutes. The core of mastering LPIM lies in understanding its intricate process, which involves low pressure, adhesive selection, injection, and demolding.


Traditionally, hot-melt adhesives (thermoplastic resins) have been widely used in industrial settings for low-pressure molding. At temperatures ranging from 160°C to 250°C, hot-melt adhesives are melted and injected into molds. Due to their excellent flowability, these materials can easily fill even small mold spaces with minimal pressure. Once cooled and solidified, the molded part is ready for demolding and further processing.


However, high-end electronics like smartphones are far too delicate to withstand the high temperatures required for traditional LPIM. These precision-engineered devices, with their fragile components and sensitive materials, demand a much gentler approach. This has led adhesive manufacturers to develop advanced low-pressure injection molding adhesives specifically designed for consumer electronics, marking a breakthrough in the use of LPIM technology in this highly demanding sector.


In theory, several adhesive solutions can be applied to implement low-pressure injection molding for such sensitive electronics. The final choice depends on specific applications, processes, and performance requirements. While traditional hot-melt adhesives may not be suitable, UV-curable resins and other light-curable adhesives are gaining traction for their ability to deliver robust performance at much lower temperatures. UV resins, in particular, offer the advantage of rapid curing under UV light, eliminating the need for heat-based processing, thus protecting sensitive electronic components from thermal damage.


This innovative approach breathes new life into what might seem like outdated technology. By optimizing LPIM with cutting-edge adhesives like UV-curable resins, manufacturers are expanding the possibilities for low-pressure molding in new industries and product categories.


As with all advancements, it’s not just about the technology but also about finding the right match for emerging needs. With careful optimization, even older techniques like LPIM can unlock new value in sectors such as consumer electronics, proving that innovation doesn’t always require starting from scratch.

Post time: Sep-11-2024